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How One Member Turned Passion into a Dream
Many years ago, Burgundi Thure thought she would have a career as a fashion designer. But that quickly evolved into creating costumes for Renaissance Fairs and then making draperies and canopies at a party production company in San Francisco. She even dabbled for a while as the wardrobe supervisor for the San Jose Repertory Theatre and Civic Light Opera.
But Burgundi knew her passion wasn’t in making costumes and clothing but in creating beautiful upholstery and custom home décor — and that’s how Sew Rose was born. Located in downtown Ben Lomond, it’s a one-stop shop for home decorating. You name it, and she can create it for you or your family.
Burgundi comes from a long line of folks who knew how to make things. “I had artisans in my family, including an iron maker, builders, and some really creative and handy people. We were fortunate to have this gift, and creating things just comes naturally,” she explained. “Sewing has always been easy for me. When I was 11 years old, I was fortunate to have both of my grandmothers around to teach me the art, and it soon became my passion.”
When you visit Sew Rose, you’ll find unique and beautiful home décor all around the store, such as a cute little antique chair getting a new floral print or an attractive antique recliner chair that’s mostly made of wood with fabric arms and back. Burgundi shared that many of the projects she works on are family heirlooms, carry history, and are beloved.
“My favorite project I worked on was the beautiful restoration of an entire house full of furniture. I chose a hand-painted fabric from Thailand to resurrect the owner’s 1960 furniture, including two couches and chairs,” Burgundi shared. “The owner was so happy as she never liked the old furniture she lived with for 30 years. We were able to transform the furniture to 2019.”
Customer service is critical to Burgundi, and she gives the same care to each person and each project as if it was her only one. “I show clients what I’m thinking and then find a unique and inspiring print for the project. It’s a discovery every time,” she explains.
How SCCCU Helped Her Dream Become a Reality
In 1993 Burgundi took out a business license and turned her passion into a dream come true — Sew Rose. And she is thrilled to be able to serve those living in Santa Cruz County. “This is an amazing place. I can’t imagine living anywhere else,” she stated.
Burgundi and her partner opened an SCCCU account in 2016. They were looking for a financial institution that would provide the same type of customer service they practice at Sew Rose. “We wanted to bank locally and felt like SCCCU was going to help us in the future,” she stated. And sure enough, in 2020, the Credit Union came through for her.
Using a business loan from the Credit Union, Burgundi bought the building her business occupies. “No one locally would give me the loan, but SCCCU did,” she explained. “I worked directly with the Credit Union and they didn't make false promises. They told me they were going to help me get a loan and that's what they did. That’s customer service, and that’s taking care of the local community. We’re grateful for the relationship we have with the Credit Union and want to share our story with others any chance we get.”
According to Burgundi, living one’s passion can be tricky, especially if it’s a customer service type of job. “To be successful, you kinda have to get into people’s heads and explain what works and what doesn’t to secure the best outcome,” she stated. “It’s like what Brian told me when processing the loan for us: it may be difficult, but we will get there!”
For more information about Sew Rose, click here.
Learn more about the Credit Union's business loans here.
- CATEGORIES: Business Solutions