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Sleep More – Your Business Will Thank You
Sleep. It’s something we all need, but many of us don’t get enough of it every night. And as a business owner, you may be at more risk of eliminating sleep from your life because of financial stress or “not having enough hours in the day.” And in some circles, sleep is actually seen as something only the “lazy” do.
But research has shown that the lack of sleep may be destroying your health and holding your business back from the success it could have.
The plain truth is that you need 7-9 hours of sleep each night—almost without exception. And before you start to think that you’re immune and need less sleep, just know that you are not. Everyone needs sleep.
After completing a recent sleep study, Matthew Walter, professor of neuroscience and psychology at the University of California, stated, “Sleep is the great legal performance-enhancing drug that most people probably neglect. …No aspect of our biology is left unscathed by sleep deprivation.”
Here are some of the reasons why you should consider sleep a strategic imperative for your business:
- Lack of sleep creates more stress when you try to do your normal activities. Your brain has tiny cells called neurons that transmit information throughout your body. Unfortunately, when you don’t get enough sleep, your neurons are stressed and forced to take “short naps” even when you’re awake. This is why you may feel irritable or have a short attention span or even feel lightheaded.
- Lack of sleep causes diminished cognitive functions. As a result, you’ll feel mentally sluggish and may have difficulty understanding issues. And multiple studies have shown that if you lose sleep constantly, your brain can become half a decade older.
- Lack of sleep may cause poor decision-making. There’s a reason why people will say, “let me sleep on it.” It allows them to pause a bit, help the subconscious part of the mind analyze the issue, and make an informed decision.
- Lack of sleep limits your ability to stay sharp. To be a successful business owner, you need to be on your toes and alert. When you receive adequate sleep, you boost your memory and improve your ability to recall information.
- Lack of sleep causes detriment to your overall health. Your immune system is sleep-dependent—the more sleep you get, the healthier you can stay. In addition, studies have shown that those who get adequate rest are less prone to developing cardiovascular diseases and obesity.
So the message here is simple: sleep will help you and your business succeed. If you’re having difficulty sleeping, talk to a health or wellness professional for help. Sleep is a basic need, and we all need it. So do all you can to get the rest you need every night so you can conquer your day and experience the ultimate success for your business.
- CATEGORIES: Business Solutions

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